Saturday, December 29, 2007

PhotoHunt: Messy

This week's photo hunt topic is messy. I've been going through some old photos and came across a perfect one for it. Here's Mika and Sammy at ages 4 and 2 painting with lovely purple and green fingerpaint. It was definitely messy!

Go to to see more photo hunter participants and their photos.


Joyismygoal said...

Cute i love FP it is so therapeutic

Kayla (detailoring) said...

HOLY criminey! Haha! That makes me both sad and glad that my son is only 2. Too young to fingerpaint... and yet... sadly... too young to fingerpaint. Haha.

That didn't stop him from getting into the ranch, though!

What a great picture!

Momisodes said...

Oh my! Thank goodness for washable paints ;) So much fun!

Cathi said...

How come the red, yellow and blue were left out? :)
You have to love the purple!!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Those are fun to play with :P
but the cleaning up.... nitemare!! My "once" white table turned blue the last time my kids played with finger paints.
It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

kljs said...

Cute kids....

Hootin Anni said...

LOL ---I like this. Wanna know why? I TOO chose finger painting....

Mine's posted, hope you can drop by and visit with me!!

A. said...

Yes, messy, but SO much fun! :)

Welcome to the Photo Hunt :)

Sarge Charlie said...

oh my, I remember when our kids did that, better than crayons on the wall

**"Liza"** said...

Messy and very educational..;)That looks like would be to hard to clean up though..;)
Happy Hunt!!!!!
Mine is up too

Head Gaggler said...

Ha, what a great shot. Sooo, messy.