Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blessed Warmth

Scott was correct; it was our thermostat that was broken. Our local hardware store, the tiny family-owned one, had exactly the right thermostat that we needed. Scott came home with it, hooked it up, turned the furnace back on, and we had heat again. Yea!


Scott said...

It's ok to say in the blogosphere: I rock.

Deb said...

So glad to hear ya'll have warmth again!!!

Must be my situation but it feels like one more reason to no be a Home Depot fan.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm glad Scott was able to fix it. That must have been horrible. It's great that there are still tiny, family owned hardware stores out there. We had to go to a tiny, family-owned vac store to get a belt for our 3 y/o vac, since no major stores (or vac stores) had them. I always like to root for the little guys.